The Kither, The Rocker, The FREAK!

A look inside the screwed up, but always entertaining life of Andi M.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Made this today:

Of course, it's Karen O from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find a good pic of her! I like it, but It's not of my faves. It's so simple, I think I reaching that creative block I feared so much.

I can't think of anything else that happened to day..except I got about 60 CD-Rs to last me the rest of this year and a good portion of the next. And I got two messenger bags from Walmart for like 3 bucks! That's good stuff. I was getting tired of the one I had before, which was nice, but it didn't have any straps. I got a red and black one, and a black and white canvasy one. They roxors.

Can you tell I have nothing to do? Get back at ya later.