The Kither, The Rocker, The FREAK!

A look inside the screwed up, but always entertaining life of Andi M.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

2 Days until I turn 18...and my friends, I truly know what insanity is now.

INSANITY is getting sunburned for the first time EVER 3 days before your 18th birthday
INSANITY is having your best friend move away and not being here to celebrate with you on your 18th birthday
INSANITY is having your favorite WWE Superstar be released...and then being in the middle of controversy
INSANITY is meeting your favorite WWE Superstar and not saying anything you had planned to say.

I am not an outside person, and over the years, I had come to the conclusion that being mixed automatically prevented you from being burned...but then I came to realize yesterday, that I had just been an extremely sheltered child.
Long story short, my ass got fried like a porkchop and I have no one to blame but myself heading to the beach with nothing but a cell phone and that stupid theory of mine. You live, you feel the sun's rays beat down on you for 3 hours learn even a little faster.

The Best Friend, as she is so affectionally referred to by me, has moved to Florida. She did get me a Green Day poster for my birthday before she left, but I would have have rathered had her here. 18 is going to be great...but not as great as it should be.

Spike Dudley was released from his WWE contract a few days ago. Does it hurt?...yes. Does it surprise me?...not in the least. There's not much I can (or want to) say on this topic that I haven't said already for the good people of "Dudleyville". The more and more I talk about, the angrier and more un-okay with it I become.

But on a happier note, I'd like to take you back this post I made Saturday, June 19, 2004

...Anyway, I've been thinking about the whole event a lot lately wondering will I ever actually get to meet him [Spike Dudley]? Is that the closest I will ever get to Spike? I really hope not!Before I die, I want to have a real meeting with him, just so I can say some things to him. Like, "Do you know how amazing and awesome you are?" or "Do you have any idea what your existance in the WWE means to me? And not just in the WWE, but just in general?"
Maybe one day...

Well, that one day did come, and it was March 15th, 2005 at the Savannah Civic Center. I stood outside the whole time (completely missing the show) and waiting for Spike to come outside. My planned worked and I even got my picture taken with him! (Object may appear smaller upclose than they do on television!). I did get to talk with Spike for a few minutes...and he was the nicest guy you could ever have the pleasure of meeting. He was warm and made eye contact with me the whole time I talked to was truly a day I will always remember. I can't remember everything I said to him...everything is such a blur to me most likely due to the fact that I was talking at about a million miles an hour. But I can remember what I didn't say...NONE OF THAT SHIT! You know, that stuff is so easy to plan when you aren't standing in front of your hero with a camera and a Sharpie marker. I don't even think I remembered what my name was much less all those ego boosting (JK!) statements I had planned to say.

Well, that's all for me...until next year!
Queen Dork