God, I love Mike. He's one of the greatest people in the universe. He calls me like between 2 and 3 times a week...just kinda depends on what he's doing I guess. He called me Tuesday night REALLY REALLY happy. He had a very nice buzz going and I knew it within two seconds of picking up the phone. Conversation was very interesting...well, it always is...but just more interesting than usual. He talked more than me for once and said to me that "we rock". Not to say that Mike is usually mean...but he just not so free flowing with his feelings and what's on his mind...it was interesting.
I just found out that we are MOVING! I HATE to move in the worst way you can imagine. You lose stuff and forget stuff and forget where you've put certain things for months! This is going to be so fucking stressful
I watched the Nightmare Before Christmas for the first time in YEARS today...and it's still great. I borrowed it from my Gym buddy, Cory. I let him hold Orange County and Brain Candy. I think I might buy him Orange County for his b-day...he LOVES the movie and can recite it line by line just about.
I can't believe I missed Bruce in the Gilmore Girls! I could kicked my self straight in the face! I found out thru Liz's blog...maybe I can catch the reruns...::sigh::