Well, Happy Turkey Day all! Does it seem like Thanksgiven or is it just me? It's seems like there should be TV shows or something or a parade or something right?
Other than getting ready to go out to my cousin's house to eat and socialize, I bought ANOTHER cd! This time:
The Killers-"Hot Fuss"
Yep, that catchy ass song ("Somebody Told Me") got me too. They don't really sound like I expected them to, but they have a really nice sound with sythesizers and what not that gave me a real throw back to the 80s. Good CD. If you miss the 80s music but the not exactly the people who sung the music from the 80s, The Killers could be for you.
I'm running out of CDs to buy now...and this is a good thing. I've never actually ran out of CDs to get. But, I've pretty much gotten everything off my list
The Hives-"Tyrannasaurus Hives"
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs-"Fever to Tell"
Jimmy Eat World-"Futures"
The Killers-"Hot Fuss"
The only ones left are:
The Hives-"Veni Vedi Vicious"
Jimmy Eat World-"Jimmy Eat World"
"Metal Gear Solid 3" Soundtrack (imported...and proabably cost an ungodly amount...but, shit I would kill for it! It has the Snake Eater theme on it and I can't get it out of my head!)
Well, lately I've been talking to this really awesomely nice guy, Stephen that strangely enough goes to my highschool, has a blog (that's how we meet.), games, and watches G4TechTV! I invited him over to my house and I asked him to bring this X-Box...I want to see what Halo is about once and for all. My friend Heather knows him and seems to like him a lot, so, this could be very good.
I've torn apart my old Long Live the Kids in the Hall template and completely revamped and revised and redid it. My original plan was to do it with Marie, but then I realized Marie has a life and has better things in her time to do. But, if I truly need her help, I will be quick to contact her and/or Kris.
Just a reminder to Anita:
and I'm still not excited...but I promise, Dec 3th, my head will be spliting and I'll be running around like the idiot I am.
Well, everyone Happy Turkey Day....wait, I said that already, ah well, again!