Hmmm...Blogger just keeps on changin' on me...oh well, looks better than what I remember
July 9th was my birthday (which I don't know why I mention that cause the only people who read this already knew that) which makes me the big 17. I thought I would feel different...but aside from the fact that I can see an R rated movie now without someone older than me there, it's not all THAT great. I did get a great birthday card from Liz and I wrote her back (thru snail mail, people) immediately and she should be getting the letter pretty soon.
Everything lately has been totally upside down. My friend since the 7th grade, Anita just moved back to Savannah and we've been spending a lot of time together, just catching up on the two years that we lost. Nothing much has changed about her execpt for the fact that she is just a cooler person that I even remember! I'm really glad to have her back here in Savannah! She was very much missed.
I am almost done with Silent Hill 3 and am awaiting Silent Hill 4: The Room! They are already started preordering which tells me right now I am going to be selling some old CDs that I don't listen to anymore to buy this thing. I am a total SH buff along with Metal Gear who are both made by Konomi. I think for my 18th birthday, I am just going to get a tatoo on me that says : Konomi's Bitch! lol.