The Kither, The Rocker, The FREAK!

A look inside the screwed up, but always entertaining life of Andi M.

Friday, June 11, 2004

The monsters are extremly ugly and annoying and can scare you badly! So, never ever let Heather wonder around without her trusty shotgun :) Posted by Hello

This game is very dark most of the game's a good idea to have a flashlight which you can play without but it's not a good idea Posted by Hello

Heather climbing up a ladder Posted by Hello

I got this one from you can tell. The lead character name is Heather who is happy go lucky one day and stepping into her own private hell the next Posted by Hello

I currently got a PS2 (yeah, I'm a HUGE gamer, I'm a chick, but I am a little behind on the times) along with Silent Hill 3...and let me tell you, if you've never been scared by those really bad scary movies like Scream, the Freddy movies, the Jason movies, the Chuckie movies, HAVE to play this and be scared shitless for the first time in your life! I played the first Silent Hill and was scared out of my mind, but I think it's just because I was kinda young...but here I am 16 almost 17 and I still refuse to play this game at night! But nevertheless, it's one of my favorite game series of all time (along with Metal Gear...I guess I am just a whore for Konami) Check out these screen shots from it...and just get a taste of what I mean.