Well, listening to Crissy Guerrero right now, courtesy of the wonderful MarieI had heard her before from the "Kevin Eating Soup" segment on SGND, but this is the first time I've heard her voice without thinking about Kevin eating soup...and that's a good thing. She has a wonderful voice! I can't get over that! I think I will copy these songs onto my comp and burn them along with some other things onto a cd (cause there are only four songs from Crissy)
Well, that's all for now. As you all may or may not know, Marie and Liz has spent the last week with me at my house all the way in Savannah, GA! They drove a very long way to be here and it still amazes me that they even would do it! I'm sure the three of us will have nice long stories to tell by later next week. Okay, that's all for now. CRISSY ROCKS!!!!!!!!
OH! and how could I forget to wish a late happy birthday to Brucio and an early one to Kev-O...incase I forget. Happy Birthday guys! From Andi!