Sorry this took so long to post, but now, I bring to you details of: Kithers Gone Wild (in Savannah) 2004!
May 10th, 2004 thru May 16th, 2004 had to be one of the greatest weeks of my life. I’m really happy that Liz and Marie decided to come and spend a week with me!
As you all may or may not know, Marie, Liz and I met thru my Long Live the Kids in the Hall guest book. As a matter of fact, I think Marie was the first to ever sign that thing. I emailed them to thank them for signing it (couldn’t get that auto response thing down) and from there, a beautiful friendship began. And that my friends, was over a year ago.
Of course, we had all talked about meeting, and we knew that one day, we would, but we just didn’t know how soon it would be. I one day got the news from Marie that they were thinking about coming down here…but it was just a thought at the time. Well, I guess things happen and prayers are answered and here we are!
Monday, May 10, 2004
I am on pins and needles all day. I know this is the day that Marie and Liz are coming in, and all day, I can’t concentrate on anything! Schoolwork is just an obstacle holding back the hands on the clock now from reaching 2:30. When the bell finally does ring for school to end, I realize there is nothing left to do but wait…and wait…and wait…and wait…
At about 9:00pm, I was sure my legs were going to give out from under me if I tried to stand.
A little after 9, the phone rang. It was Marie. They were lost. But only about 3 minutes away from my house, if that long. My mom and I gave them directions and we pulled them on in. I couldn’t believe it was actually them when they first pulled up! I thought I was in a dream! There wasn’t even any screaming when they finally got everything inside…just silence. And not even an awkward silence…a silence that breathe a sigh of relief and said “Finally.”
We didn’t have too much time to talk, considering I still had to go to school the next day. But, they did break out the pictures that they had from the KITH 2000 tour, 2002’s ToD, and from Toronto Trip 2003. I looked at the pictures, listening to all the stories that went along with each of them, still trying to take everything in.
Time went by VERY fast and midnight soon hit, signaling me to go to bed. I said goodnight for the first time ever to their faces and not over AIM. I had the greatest feeling that moment as I went to get under the covers, and with that great feeling, I went to sleep.
Tuesday, May 11 2004
I only spent a half a day in school so that I could come home and talk with my very tired guest. By the time I was getting home, they were just really waking up. After everyone showered and woke up, we migrated to my “den” where we planned to talk all day until we realized that we should go out and do something. So, we went to the mall J. The only place we really went inside was this little anime place called “Hello Cutie” (because I love anime). Other than that, we walked around and talked, trying to hide our accents (hehe). When we got back, we spent the rest of the day talking, sharing KITH stories and talking about all the people we knew on the web. We also commented on how nice it was to say the name of something (oh, like or the Kithblog)and have people know who we were talking about.
Wednesday, May 12 2004 (Bruce’s Birthday)
We devoted the ENTIRE day to watching the Kids in the Hall on this special occasion. We watched appearances(Canadian and American…but mostly Canadian), eps of KITH (Canadian and American), and anything else that their faces grazed, including SGND (where I showed them Mark’s famous spit moment during Joymakers) and the ToD. Bruce’s b-day was a lot of fun to celebrate…especially with other KITH fans.
Thursday, May 13, 2004
We realized that we really needed to get out and do something besides going to the mall. So, we finally decided to explore the area of my city that is most famous, downtown.
Even though I have lived her my whole life and have been downtown about 8 million times, it wasn’t until that day that I realized I was living in such a beautiful city! While Liz and Marie were snapping pictures of buildings and statues and whatnot, I was also right along with them, taking pictures like a tourist! For lunch, we went to this two story restaurant called Locos Deli and Pub. They paid for lunch since I am always broke and have no money. I changed my mind so often that I can’t remember what I actually ended up getting, but I do remember Marie having the largest potato I had ever seen, which bought up some great jokes and had us laughing just about the whole time we were in there. We had a great waiter who took a picture of all of us stuffing our faces.
After, that, we headed back and decided to play the two games Liz had bought along. “Trivial Pursuit” and “Scene It”. I’m really not sure how we got through both of them considering all the laughing we were doing at Marie’s comments, but we somehow got thru it, with Marie winning BOTH games. (I gotcha next time!)
Friday, May 14 2004
We called this day a “chill day” considering the day before, we had walked downtown and laughed the whole day. We watched “High Stakes” (with Dave Foley), more KITH (which I didn’t think was possible), and Brain Candy, with Liz’s commentary which I enjoyed a lot. You HAVE to watch BC with her, she can tell you lots and lots of things you never even thought about while watching it. Later that night, we also watched “Dick” and ordered pizza which took almost 2 hours to come, so, we got it free! My head started pounding like crazy, so I retired early to bed.
Saturday May 15, 2004
We watched “Run Ronnie Run” with David Cross, and Dave Foley and Scott Thompson making appearances. All through the movie, someone would think of something interesting or KITHY to say, and for the next hour, the movie would be on pause or stopped. Even the issue of the atmosphere on the BC set came up, which was really depressing. Finally, we gave up on trying to get through it, and decided to watch SGND again…but with commentary. We continued to talk about some serious issues that had happened on the set of BC and between CERTAIN members…but we got a kick out of making our own hella-funny commentary on the SGND commentary. I STILL say we should have had a video camera, girlsJ
Sunday May 16, 2004 (Kevin’s Birthday)
It was their last day, and no matter how happy we tried to be that it was Kevin Day, we were still reminded visit had reached it’s end. But, we did manage to talk about my big KITH tribute idea that I’ve been playing with for a few months…which I will explain in a later post. Somewhere around noon, we went outside to take some last group pictures. We hauled all their stuff to Liz’s car (which I still say I could have packed all that for just myself )and stood outside in front of the car, in that same silence that was there when they first arrived, but time, it was gloomy. Finally, I decided to let them get on their way. We waved until we were out of sight of each other, and even though I knew we could talk on the phone and talk over AIM, I had never felt so sad as I did that moment. So, to try and cheer myself up, went in the house to watch the Disney channel. And playing, was “A Bug’s Life” which made me smile.
Even to this day, I can hardly believe the events that took place, even though I type it and have pictures to prove it. The next time we see each other, I hope to be making the long trip to where they live.
Thanks guys, for all the great memories and private jokes we can all share now!