The Kither, The Rocker, The FREAK!

A look inside the screwed up, but always entertaining life of Andi M.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

I finally got Trillian and I think conserved space on my hard drive. Even if I haven't, I've replaced 3 messengers with 1! I got rid of Yahoo and MSN but kept AIM cause I don't know if you can download that one for free still. You know, just in case Trillian screws up or something.

Finally got "The Guyver 2" or, "Guyver 2: Dark Hero" whatever you choose to call it. As low budget and corney as it is, I love it! Here are some pictures of me geeking out yesterday a few hours after I got it.

Yep, what a dork that chicky is. WHAT...A...DORK!!

I'd like to thank everyone who's been sending me such kind emails about! I had no idea it was a great source of information until earlier today! I really appreciate everything considering there isn't a whole lot on David on the internet and I am making due with the little that I have. I enjoy and get real pleasure out of running a website for someone I admire and believe in so much. Thanks everyone again and I hope to keep bringing you the same great info as long as I can!

"Queen Dork"

"Queen Dork"