Is it bad when you like being with your brother's family better than you like being with your own?
On Saturday, I went out to my brother's family's mini mansion to spend that night and go to church the next morning. the "spending the night" part was fun, I just never want to go to their church *ever* again! But I guess the real reason I wanted to spend the night was to hang out with this other sister, Rashida. We get along really well not to be realsted. But we still don't know what to tell peole whne they ask who I am. We're not half sisters but we have the same brother. It's really confusing...even for me.
Anyone who saw the Royal Rumble on Sunday knows why I am bitter about the way Spike was used. Now, I know Spike wasn't going to win the RR but they could have let him make it to the freakin ring! Finally, after seeing damn Chris Benoit, Mark Henry, and a host of other people I was wishing was Spike, he finally comes out only to be stopped by Kane's chokeslam on the ramp! I could have not been more pissed! Mike and I had been talking and about two seconds after we hung up is when it all happened, he called me back (like I knew he would) to offer his half hearted sympathy. He told me he would be more sypathetic on Tuesday but, when Tuesday came, I think he just laughed even more. I just hate to see Spike get thrown around so mich, especially since his neck injury in November. I flinch everytime he takes a serious bump now. I just hope he'll continue to be okay.
Monday, I found out the greatest news ever! The WWE, the company that I love so dear...most of the time, is coming to do a Smackdown! here! I am going to get my ticket with my friend Jess on Sat.
Tuesday, I had my famous talk with Marie in which the "shitty diapper" episode took place. I had just called he up to see how she was doing because I hadn't talked to her in a while, and it turned into the funniest thing I've ever had te experience of living thru. Hearing her squeals and shreaks of horror and she changed Cody was the so gut-busting, whne Mike called me, I couldn't laugh at anything he said. NOTHING seemed to compare to what had taken place earlier. I'm happy I was able to coach her (at least, that's what she called my constant laughter anyway) and get her thru that. She said she's going to think of me everytime she changes a really shitty diapper. Well, at least I'll be thought of often!