The Kither, The Rocker, The FREAK!

A look inside the screwed up, but always entertaining life of Andi M.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

If you've been drooling over guys as long as I have, then you know that there are different kinds of hot. You have your "few too many times in rehab" hot Scott Weiland of Velvet Revolver and formerally Stone Temple Pilots. You've got your "high 24-7 ..even though he says it's just his eyes" hot, Jim Breuer, formally of SNL. And last, but not least, you have your "I may be big, but I can rock way harder than you" hot Jack Black.
Out of all the many many different kinds of hot, I've picked the 5 that seem to rock Andi's world the most. Ready? You better hope you are.

First up I have...

"Teen Dream" hot which I proudly award to:
Evan Farmer

If anyone reading this is old enough to remember 2Gether, MTV's spoof boy band, then you HAVE to remember Jerry O Keefe, "the heart throbe". After the death of Michael Cuccione, the youngest member, Evan went on to do solo stuff until landing a hosting gig on that hit TLC show, "While You Were Out". You can now see him 80 times a week in all his dorky hotness.
To tell you the truth, I had COMPLETELY forgotten about Evan until I one day tuned into WYWO and immediately recalled where I knew him from. That smile, that body...that...body....
Evan perhaps could be the hottest little thing walking around planet earth, completely free from flaw...perhaps even perfect if there is such a thing...oh yes, there is...and his name is Evan.

Secondly, I have...

"Muscle Head" Hot who so deservling goes to...
Chris Jericho

There is not a woman alive who's ever laid eyes on WWE Superstar Calgary born Chris Jericho that would ever take that moment back. Crystal blue eyes, kissable lips, and a sense of humor all wrapped up in ready to order package is what makes this hottie more famous with the ladies then the fellows.
When I first saw Chris freakin' Jericho for the first time, my eyes popped out, my mouth dropped to the carpet, and my 4 1/2 year old crush officially began. Perfect body, drop dead gorgous looks...I can't tell you the countless hours I watched wrestling just to see him before I even cared or concentrated on any sort of storyline. No matter how many times he goes from face (good guy) to heel (bad guy) in his career, I will always be a Jerichoholic! that word? I have...

"Crazy Rocker" hot Who I will so proudly split among 3 people...
Howlin' Pete Almqvist
Andrew WK
Jack White

I really don't know what planet these three are from...or even what planet you have to be from to be attracted to them, but it's just something about Andrew WK, dirty Detroit rocker, Jack White, wierdo Detroit rocker, and Howlin Pete Almqvist, out of this universe Swedish rocker that makes Andi go into hyper drive.
First came Andrew W.K. who I came across back in 2002 when "Party Hard" was the theme to every frat party and beer commerical in the US. I bought "I Get Wet" and immediately fell in love with Andrew's spirit more than anything. When he was standing still long enough for me to see his face, I realized he wasn't too bad looking either
I discoverd The White Stripes the same year from the video "Hotel Yorba" which is still one of my favorite songs ever. From the first time I layed eyes on Jack White, I knew it would be a long time before I got over him. Even with his fake southern accent, pasty white skin, and mysterious background, I can still look at Jack today and get butterflies in my stomach from that layed on southern charm of his.
The Hives were also around this year, but I really didn't become a huge fan of them until late 2004, when "Tyrannosaurus Hives" was about to be released and that catchier than hell single of theirs "Walk Idiot Walk" was playing on radio stations (and WWE events) everywhere. Looking at Howlin' Pete for the first time in different way durin the "Walk..." video is what got me so fascinated with him. He moves and even kinda favors a young Mick Jagger which is always sexy in my book.

Fourthly I've got

"Boy From Next Door" Hot awarded to..
Hugh Jackman

BESIDES the fact that he's got the perfect porno name, he's also the perfect guy to fill my "If Solid Snake were real" fantasies I have. And if it weren't for that, I really don't know how attracted to Mr. Jackman I would be. Of course anyone deaf, blind, and dumb can see Hugh's surely easy on the eyes (among other things) but it was not until I decided to fantasy cast for a Metal Gear movie that started getting the hots for him. Even his role as the slice em and leave em Wolvorine in the X-Men movies didn't it for me. What is wrong with Andi you ask, I am trying to figure that out myself.

And last, but in no way least....

"Only in the Video Gaming World" Hot has been given to...
Solid Snake

Though the Metal Gear franchise gets older and better every year, it seems Solid Snake just gets...better. After saving the world from the walking nuclear battle machine that is Metal Gear so many times, you'd think aging, graying, or perhaps even a bit of insanity would set it for the video game vet. But, if you truly think that, then you don't know Snake.
Well, who else in the hell did you think it would be?
I really don't think I have to explain to ANYONE my endless love for the one and only Solid Snake. Even if I didn't talk about him every day and keep pictures of him on my address book, would I really, after looking at him, have to explain WHY! Mysterious, dark, blunt, troubled, alone and a pack a day chain could any woman resist?

I think I've typed and drooled enough
Until next time!

"Queen Dork"