Got a new stereo as an early Christmas present and am happy to report that it is officially smarter than I am. As I type this, I have JUST figured out how to open the tape deck.
The WWE event, as always was amazing. Nothing through the night really shocked or amazed me expect when Molly Holly came out...and she was not on the card. When her name was mentioned and her music started playing, I started freakin I haven't in a long time. I've been a fan of Molly for about as long as I've been a fan of Spike's and seeing her and Lita all in the same night overhelmed me. Seeing CJ (Chris Jericho) for the third time was very nice. After all, the man just gets more and more perfect looking everytime I see him. I was very disappointed when he and his band Fozzy performed at a local club and I couldn't go. But, now I have Heather to thank for rubbing it all up and down my face...but, I degress
In anycase, seeing "The Game" Triple H was an amazing experience. He may be the worst person inside and outside the ring...but the man has a certain ora about him that you can't help but get shivers from.
Besides waiting for the pictures from my event to get back, I've been writing something called "The Philosphy of Fandom" or simple translated, "the philosphy of being a fan". It's gonna piss off some people...and perhaps even make some people think...but, I hope to get a rise out of people somehow.
Well, it shall take until next Christmas to figure out fully how to work this genious stereo of mine...but, I shall try.