Because I am super lazy and don't feel copying and pasting it here and then editing it, view my "Trimming the Tree" post at my forum where it's all nice and neat and whatnot.
I've been getting "rave reviews" lately for my Ephraim Ellis site. The site is about to reach 700 hundred if it hasn't by the time I finish typing this post. It took almost a year for Long Live the Kids in the Hall to reach 1000 where as it'll take the EE (not Emma Emerich, Nita) only a few weeks.
I have so many things to do. LIKE:
-Finish "The Philosophy of Fandom"
-Scan WWE Pictures, upload them, and put them...somewhere.
Okay, so that's just two things...but those are two very big things that I sill need to get done.
Also, I, and totally by mistake, have started writing a Silent Hill fanfic type thing. And I can tell you how is started.
I was thinking today in class about the Silent Hill movie due out sometime next year and how badly I don't want it to suck. And I was thinking:"You know, it would be really funny if the main characters were walking down the street or something and they had a girl dressed up as Heather (from SH3) walk by and say hello."
Then, that lead to me thinking: "Actually, it would be cool if Heather was one of the main characters.
Which ultimately lead to:"I think I have an idea for a Silent Hill movie!"
The concept:
Vera Singleton (working name) a rookie reporter working for the "Ashfield Informer" is sent on her first major out of town assignment but soon discovers that the town is Silent Hill, the legendary town only a few miles away.
Her assignment is to talk to and interview anyone (or anything) that still resides there to find out the truth about what happened to the town's biggest cases: Harry Mason (SH), James Sunderland (SH2), Heather Morris (SH3) and Henry Townshend (SH4). After interviewing a few of the long time and lifetime residents, she finds out that everyone who survived that lived in SH before their incidents (with the exeception of Harry...he died in SH3 and Henry) still lives in or moved to Silent Hill. In her quest to find out the truth behind the victims, she soon finds she could become one herself.
Yeah, I know...not real original. But, I like it and I think it has potential to really come out good and not suck if it were ever turned into a movie.
Well, that's all for me. Not a whole lot going on but a whole lot to do. See ya!